Optumrx Workers Comp Pharmacy Help Desk . Pharmacy data Choose your pharmacy We give general information about pharmacies. Optum Workers...

Optumrx Workers Comp Pharmacy Help Desk

Optumrx Workers Comp Pharmacy Help Desk. Pharmacy data Choose your pharmacy We give general information about pharmacies. Optum Workers' Comp and Auto No-fault.

Pharmacy - Texas Department of Insurance - Texas.gov. As a pharmacy care services company, OptumRx ® goes beyond traditional pharmacy benefit management. OptumRx® Pharmacy Benefit Manager for the AlaskaCare Health Plans.

If your workers' comp claim is being denied or questioned by your insurance carrier, we're here to help!

Workers' Comp Pharmacy Benefit Management, Ancillary, and Managed Care Solutions.

This brochure will help you understand your pharmacy coverage and. To make sure we put you in touch with the right people, select from one of the options below. Pharmacy help desk service contact information. .