Varidesk Hardware. There's no hardware to secure the Varidesk to your current workstation—it's Varidesk trumpets that its adjustable height desks can get you from a seated to standing position in three seconds. At VARIDESK®, we know you want to feel great at work.
That's why we created the ProPlus series to keep you comfortable, productive and energized. Turn any desk into a standing desk. Hardware-ul este partea fizică a unui sistem informatic, constituită din ansamblul de componente electrice, electronice și mecanice care împreună pot primi, prelucra, stoca și reda informații, sub diverse forme de semnale electrice, acustice sau optice, spre deosebire de software.
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It also comes with built-in cable management and has the. If you like the two-tier design. No assembly; ready to use right out of the box.