Front Desk Upselling Techniques. Where a single scoop of ice cream may have been on the customer's mind, a double scoop will completely satisfy them. Here is a menu of upselling techniques your front desk team can use depending on the. type of guest standing before them, the time of day, and also Upsell early arrivals into a higher room category.
Upselling is a sales technique aimed at persuading customers to purchase: A more expensive version of the item. Upselling is a sales strategy where the seller encourages the customer to spend more by recommending an expensive, an upgraded, or a premium alternative Existing Customers Appreciate Upselling More. To suss out what's next, we quizzed dozens of industry professionals.
Treating a traveler as nothing more than a walking, talking, grab bag of preferences, attributes, and emotional buttons to be exploited for upselling will backfire on hoteliers.
Positioning the front desk on the same side as the main entrance and the elevator is not recommended.
What is an example of cross-selling? Successful in-person upselling might require training or coaching in appropriate techniques. Upselling should not just be a sales tactic.