Epcc Blackboard Help Desk. You will typically receive a response to an e-mail request from the Help Desk within three working days. Serving the technology needs of EPCC students, faculty, and staff.
Blackboard has the tools students will use to view the calendar, turn in assignments, take tests, and participate in discussion online. Please continue to part C or D for instructions on how to take the Practice Math Placement Test or Math Placement Test. Blackboard is AIC's learning management system (LMS).
Blackboard is the course management software used by EPCC to deliver courses over the Internet.
We've put together some additional information that can help you learn more DNS stands for Domain Name System and it is a necessary protocol that helps you to access websites via DNS Lookup.
Division of Information Technology (DoIT) Service Desk provides assistance with technical problems in Blackboard. Help Desk & Technology Security Services. Blackboard Help provides support and guidance for educators from.