Desk Cycle Argos. Order online today for fast home delivery. The patented mechanism includes magnetic resistance and a high-inertia flywheel.
Calorie Burn: Pedaling has been shown to burn twice the calories compared to traditional sitting resulting in a decrease in body fat levels. According to a study that was published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, the DeskCycle does help. Here at the Strategist, we like to think of ourselves as crazy (in the good way) about the stuff we buy, but as much as we'd like to, we can't try everything. • DeskCycle lets you pedal underneath your desk while working. • Teachers are using them in schools to keep kids from fidgeting. • We tried one out and found out that it's perfect for extra chilly offices.
Is the Desk Cycle good for weight loss?
Argos is a satellite-based system which collects, processes and disseminates environmental data from fixed and mobile platforms worldwide.
The DeskCycle under desk bike lets you get healthy exercise while working at your desk. Why a Pedaling Desk Beats a Standing One. uses cookies to enhance your experience.