Bill Desk For Hdfc Credit Card Payment. There is no need to go to the bank branch for this. Pay your HDFC Bank Credit Card bill from other Bank accounts.
The methods for both are a little different, and are explained below separately. Options of Multiple Banks:- In Bill desk there are multiple options of banks through which you can pay your credit card bills. Paying your credit card bill through a bank is a time-consuming process and may cause delays in payment especially if.
Enter your authentication details [viz user id/ password].
You can choose to pay via your HDFC Bank Account using Netbanking, Phonebanking, mobile app, mobile site, ATM, cash or Pay via Billdesk.
Pay your HDFC Bank credit card bills online or offline via a range of convenient options. Visit the Bill Desk Portal of RBL Bank by clicking here. Bill Desk time out error before transaction complete.